If you think your wool sweater is just the harmless result of a sheep’s haircut then be prepared for the itchy tru…
This Farmer Took the Best Sheep Video Ever [Video]
Most sheep videos are cute. This video is just plain hilarious. “Hugh Beveridge farms merino sheep in New South Wa…
Patagonia, Inc. Now Sourcing Wool… from Patagonia
Leading outerwear manufacturer Patagonia is partaking in an initiative to restore the grasslands of Argentina. In an eff…
Recipe: Cauliflower Casserole
Cauliflower brings the flavor and bulk sans the guilt. Vegetable casseroles are where it’s at. Because the dish is a cas…
Places & Spaces: Blackberry Farm, Tennessee
A gourmet slow food paradise in the Smoky Mountains. In the misty foothills of eastern Tennessee’s Smoky Mountains…
THREADED: Julia Ramsey Sheds Her Skin About ‘Pelt’
ColumnThe connection between the clothes we buy and the clothes we are already wearing. Julia Ramsey is intent on sharin…
Eco Links to Green Your Weekend
First up – is there really such thing as a green gadget? Answer: define “green”, says Wired. And is it…