When the temperatures drop, it’s easy to let down your guard and forget about sun safety. It may not be warm in the wint…
Skin Cancer
9 Reasons Natural Light is so Important for Your Body (and Spirit)
A lack of natural light in your life can be disastrous. Here are some reasons to get outside, even when it’s cold.…
SkinVision Smart Phone App Can Detect Skin Cancer Risk Without A Doctor’s Visit
Worried about what the summer sun is doing to your skin? This skin cancer-detecting smart phone app may be able to help.…
Behind The Label: The Safe Sunscreen Debate
Not all sunscreens are created equal. Every summer for the past decade, the media has issued staunch advisories remindin…
The Truth About Sun Exposure and Your Health
Knowledge bomb: the sun may actually help prevent skin cancer. Sun exposure may be one of the most misunderstood myths o…
Screw the Tan Lines, Time for Sunglasses
It took me years to realize that not only were sunglasses necessary to do the basic job of keeping the sun out of my eye…
Things That Will Probably Kill You, Vol. 3
This week’s medical news comes with a heaping side order of mixed messages. Tanning is bad! (But you already knew …