Whether you watch television shows on the sofa in the living room, like families have been doing for more than 50 years,…
What’s Wrong with Cooking Shows? Foodie Underground
A new study links cooking shows and weight gain. Is the problem us, or what we’re watching? Cooking at home is th…
NBC Cancels The Playboy Club: Why We Won’t Miss It
Why the first show canceled for the fall TV season deserved to die. Last week, much like salmon leap forward in a river,…
Burned Out on the Cupcake Trend
EcoSalon’s Foodie Underground columnist explores the cultural ramifications of cupcakes. A matter of grave importa…
5 Clever Ways to Hide Your Television
Just because your guilty pleasure is watching “The Bachelorette,” that doesn’t mean you must have your…
High Blood Pressure for Kids Who Watch Too Much TV
There are times when watching what my husband calls “the idiot box” is the only option for kids who can̵…