ColumnQuick: The Beatles or the Stones? Ginger or Mary Ann? Bomb Syria or don’t bomb Syria? It’s silly to equate t…
Women Launch an Artful Counter-Offense on the Vagina Battlefront
VideoIf you can’t say it, don’t legislate it. As the War on Women rages on, anti-woman forces – primarily a …
Video: Afghanistan – Touch Down in Flight
VideoA video that shows the side of a country that we rarely see. Explosions, armed forces, rubble, and violence are ima…
11 Things We Could Buy with 1 Month of War Funding
War funding could pay for wind energy, high-speed rail, Superfund cleanup and an end to hunger in the United States. Our…
Zero Waste Fashion and the Next Great War
From a wasteful fashion industry emerges the Zero Waste movement. It is said that the next great war will not be over oi…
Things We Thought We Knew About the World, That are Wrong
I’m a cynic. I trust no one and no thing until, well until I’m good and ready. Especially when facts and fig…
Rise of the Killer Gadgets: The 5 You Need to Know
It’s hard to make generalizations about Americans. But here’s one I’ll buy: We tend to rush things. Especially our shopp…
Fashion Wars
Snap-front army green top over velvet skirt from Marc Jacobs Fall 2009 Wartime has always had an impact on fashion. Worl…