In recent years, it’s become more common for women to share their abortion stories. Thank goodness, we say. But now – as with anything “these days” – a strange subplot has been applied to many of these stories. Thus, the abortion story wars began…
Here’s a quick origin story of how the “abortion story wars” started:
Throughout the past year, many abortion advocates have been encouraging women who’ve had abortions to talk freely about the procedure. Abortion procedures are often shrouded in mystery, leaving women overly frightened. From NPR:
“Over the past year, abortion activists have talked about their procedures online, in books and at open forums on college campuses. One put her procedure on YouTube to show, she says, a “positive” abortion story. The video went viral.”
But now, some abortion opponents are saying that these stories are ultimately helping their cause:
“The Abort73 site (a Christian website striving to educate young adults on the “injustice of abortion”) has long featured stories of women who have had the procedure. Spielman says many tell of feeling pressured to do it and of regretting it, years — even decades — later.”
You know what I say to this? Who cares. Everyone should be able to tell their story as long as it’s truthful and comes from the heart, and most importantly, if they want to tell it. Abortion is an extremely personal procedure that deserves a lot of thought. Ultimately, though, it is a woman’s choice. The more stories and research she has at her disposal, the better.
However, there’s another twist to this story. According to Feministing, a new study (led by UCLA doctoral candidate Michael LaCour, and a team of researchers) found that “when anti-choice people hear in person accounts from women who have had abortions, they are more likely to start supporting reproductive freedom.”
That’s pretty rad. So, ladies, keep on telling your stories. Sharing your experience will ultimately help your peers better understand your decision, and become sympathetic to the overall cause.
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Image: Pedro Ribeiro Simões