Film as a vehicle to get conscious messages to the masses? Ticket please.
We were so excited this week to get an EcoSalon exclusive with photographer Ben Canales on his “Finding Oregon” time lapse. In Finding Oregon: An Exclusive Look at A Stunning Nature Timelapse, we get respite from our everyday, overloaded, technology-dependent lives and a reminder of the natural rhythms to which we have almost become unaccustomed.
Truck Farm is a great film that hits on the themes that we so often discuss when it comes to food: thinking about where our food comes from, the importance of reconnecting to what we eat, building community and being part of an underground movement that feels empowered to make change. A garden growing in the back of a truck? Yup. it turned lots of heads.
Miss Representation is a documentary that explores the misrepresentation of women in culture and media and how that influences the under representation of women in other realms, like politics and business. We caught up with the film’s writer and producer, Jennifer Siebel Newsom to see what drove her to put this film together (and we were more than inspired).
We’ve covered Annie Leonard’s The Story of Stuff a few times but loved getting an interview with her recently. Why did Leonard feel the passion to do do what she does? The Staten Island dump, Pacific Northwestern clear cuts and planned obsolescence are three but in The Story of Stuff: A Conversation with Annie Leonard, we learn a few reasons more.
Want to see a good way to make a point? Maybe you should take heed and handle an uncomfortable situation like Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman. Because really, when is kicking ass then back-flipping out of a situation not the best way to make an exit? Our weekly series of Women in Film takes a theatrical look at just how you do channel your alpha female (cat).