Ladies, your man may be able to take a birth control pill soon. But will male birth control ever really take off? Or will the responsibility to take birth control continue to be a woman’s burden?
Bust recently reported that the release of a new male birth control pill may be on the horizon. The feminist site reports that new medical trials in Indonesia may finally result in a male birth control pill.
Here are the details about the pill:
- It’s a daily pill.
- This pill is non-hormonal.
- The pill works by using “enzymes that help the sperm reach the egg.”
- The project’s lead scientist reports that the pill is 99-percent effective.
- The pill’s main ingredient is gendarussa, an Indonesian plant.
Since trials have been largely successful, the pill very well may be on the Indonesian market by 2016. Obviously, it will take much, much longer for the pill to become available in the United States.
But the big question here is – even if the pill becomes available in the United States – will men actually take a daily pill to avoid pregnancy? I have no idea, as I’m not a dude. All I know is that I’m totally cool taking a pill every day that prevents pregnancy. I am well aware that I am not ready to have a child for various reasons, and am incredibly thankful for the pill and condoms. And I truly think that when people have ways to control their future and have access to diverse family planning options, they end up having happier, and more fulfilled lives.
I do hope that this pill is successful and it does come to the United States. In my opinion, it’s great for people to have as many contraceptive options as possible.
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Image: Lookcatalog