On Valentine’s Day the language of love is spoken with flowers. Flowers have long had meanings behind them. For example, roses are pretty commonly know to be the symbol for love, but there’s actually more to it than that. Each color of rose has a different meaning. The meaning of flowers is important because it signifies something to the person to whom you are giving the flowers–and you wouldn’t want to be misunderstood, right?
This Valentine’s Day, learn the language and meaning of flowers and let your lover and your friends know how much you care.
Image: The Nick Page
The tried and true rose remains the most commonly given flower for Valentine’s Day. It is important to make sure that you are giving the appropriate color for the nature of your relationship. Red is the color of love and passion, while pink signifies appreciation and admiration, yellow is for friendship, white is symbolic for youth and innocence, and purple is appropriate to show enchantment.
Image: Peter & Maggie
The pretty peony gets its name from Paeon, a student of Asclepius who was the Greek god of medicine and healing. The peony is the floral symbol of China where it symbolizes riches and honor. It is the symbol of the 12th wedding anniversary in Western culture as it is an omen of good fortune and a happy marriage. In Victorian times, the peony signified bashfulness.
Image: photojenni
The red tulip symbolizes true love, yellow signifies cheerfulness, white symbolizes forgiveness, pink is color for happiness and caring and purple is the color of royalty. Red tulips are the color of choice for established couples, pink is more appropriate for newer or less committed couples and yellow or orange is great to signify friendship.
Image: afancifullife
Give ranunculus if you want to say “You are dazzling and I am smitten.” The ranunculus is symbolic for radiance and charm. It is a beautiful, unique flower that would make a statement to your Valentine that they are the apple of your eye. The colors range from white to pink and red to yellow and orange.
Image: THE Holy Hand Grenade!
Exotic orchids are symbolic of love, strength and wealth. Additionally, in ancient Greece orchids were a symbol of virility. Now, that might not be what you are going for, and the Victorian’s idea of wealth might prove more appropriate for your intended giftee. The pink orchid is also the flower for the 14th wedding anniversary.
Top Image: MZPlus
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