Going Naked


In an ideal world, I’d live a paperless life. But so far, that’s not happening. In fact, there are days when my desk looks like it’s going to collapse under the weight of all the books, magazines, and sheets of paper that have somehow landed on it.

Pure chaos which, in all honesty, does not help get the work done. In fact, I’m starting to believe that clutter can serious inhibit creativity. So I relocated all the books, papers, and magazines to the dining room table. But that’s not really an ideal solution. I need something to help organize all the loose paper that’s lying around. I need something to help straighten things out.

Enter The Naked Binder, the greenest, most eco-friendly binder around. Made from consumer post-waste, it’s free of any plastic, vinyl or toxic chemicals and is totally recyclable. No decorations. No color. Not ugly, just unclad. They are simply bare board naked binders, strong, attractive, and built to last – an unusual feature in our throw-away society.

The Naked Binder, by the way, is part of the “1% for the Planet” organization and donates 1% of their net sales to organizations working to preserve the environment.