The Year in Sex – In Your Bed & Around the World in 2013: Sexual Healing

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ColumnSex and love made the headlines again and again in 2013 (as they do most years), but this one was a little different – leading me to believe that we’re finally getting somewhere with that whole Sexual Revolution thing. This installment of Sexual Healing looks at some of the (good, bad, and ugly) stories that gripped us, in no particular order:

But enough about the world, what about YOU? Did you have a pleasurable year in sex? Did you explore, smash your own hang-ups, develop your communication skills? Did you experiment? Did you learn to love your own body? Did you fantasize enough? Did you have an orgasm a day?

If not, you best get to work on your Sexual Resolution list for 2014. Don’t let another year go to waste.
Got a question for Stefanie? Email stefanie at ecosalon dot com and she’ll answer it in the next Sexual Healing column.

Keep in touch with Stefanie on Twitter: @ecosexuality

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Image: CarbonNYC

Stefanie Iris Weiss

Stefanie Iris Weiss is the author of nine books, including her latest title–Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable (Crown Publishing/Ten Speed Press, 2010). She keeps her carbon footprint small in New York City, where she writes about sustainability, sexuality, reproductive rights, dating and relationships, politics, fashion, beauty, and more. Stefanie is a regular contributor to British Elle, and has written for Above Magazine, Nerve, The Daily Green, Marie Claire, EcoSalon and Teen Vogue, to name a few. Her HuffPost blog is sometimes controversial. Stefanie is an on-and-off adjunct professor when not busy writing and teaching about sustainable love. A vegetarian and eco-activist since her teen years, Stefanie has made her passion into her work, and she wouldn't want it any other way. She believes that life is always better when there's more pleasure, and sustainable satisfaction is the best kind. Learn more about her various projects at and follow her on Twitter: @ecosexuality.