The Proof Is in the Pillow


This past weekend the clocks jumped ahead and stole an hour right out from under us. One hour of precious beauty sleep – poof, gone!

As I set my clocks ahead on Saturday night, I pondered the necessary adjustments – loss of sleep, waking in blackness, longer evenings. Then I crawled under my duvet and nestled my head into one of my organic cotton pillows, and fell asleep.

The type of pillow we use is crucial to how well we sleep and how we feel upon waking – whether we’re rested or have a neck ache or a stuffy nose. So if tossing and turning through the night is getting you down, it just might be your head telling you to purchase a new pillow.

To help you muddle through the piles of pillows, here’s a list of the best, most eco-friendly types. Consider the options and make the best choice based on your personal needs. I promise you’ll sleep through the night comfortably. But don’t just take my word for it – the proof is in the pillow!

Eco-Friendly Pillows

Kapok: Much lighter than cotton, kapok is the environmental friendly version of down. Kapok fiber is light, fluffy, non-toxic, odorless and non-allergic. It comes from the seapods of the tropical kapok tree. Standard pillow: $65 at Ecobedroom.

Naturally repellent to dust mites. Resilient in form and water-resistant – wool fibers absorb moisture off your skin and remain dry. Stays cool in summer and warm in winter. Standard pillow: $80-$100 at DreamSoftBedware.

Buckwheat: Used for centuries in Asian countries, buckwheat hulls mold and conform to the neck providing comfort and proper alignment (thus providing relief from headaches, snoring etc for many users). A low-input crop that doesn’t require fertilizers or pesticides, buckwheat hull filling is resistant to breakage and deterioration. Standard pillow: $37-$57 at WhiteLotus.

Latex: 100% natural shredded rubber pillows are naturally hypo-allergenic. Conforms to the shape of your head and provides great support. Very resistant to moisture – prevents growth of bacteria and mildew. Never requires fluffing. Standard pillow: $55 at  NorthernNaturals.

Note: Don’t forget to buy an organic cotton pillow cover as well – it will guard against dust mites and increase the life of your pillow!

Image: decor8