Want Michelle Pfeiffer’s Diet Secret? (Hint: Hold Your Breath)

michelle pfeiffer

Michelle Pfeiffer revealed to the UK’s Telegraph that when she first came to Hollywood at age 20, she became involved in a cult who called themselves “breatharians”.

The now 55-year-old actress explained that when she first met the couple who introduced her to the lifestyle, she thought they were simply personal trainers.

“They were very controlling,” said Pfeiffer, and the relationship quickly soured.

“I wasn’t living with them but I was there a lot and they were always telling me I needed to come more. I had to pay for all the time I was there, so it was very financially draining.”

The breatharian philosophy held that food was unnecessary and that people should rely solely on air and sunlight for their nutrients.

Pfeiffer was finally able to break away from the cult when she began dating her first husband, Peter Horton, who was about to begin filming a movie about cults.

After helping Horton with his research, she said “it just clicked.” That was when Pfeiffer realized the group she followed was a cult and immediately began to get out.

Glad to see the “Fabulous Baker Boys” star is eating a healthy vegan diet these days, which she credits for her ageless beauty. – Lindsay Little

This post originally appears on Ecorazzi


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Image: VegNews