Watch David Letterman’s Final Top 10 and Try Not to Laugh [Video]

David Letterman had his last show. Here's the Top 10.

David Letterman was my late night dude. The first bit I saw him do was the runaway camera that took over New York. After that, I was hooked.

Wednesday night was Dave (I call him Dave because it’s like I know him) Letterman’s last show and clips of the event are popping up everywhere. One of the more funny bits, per usual, was the Top 10 List. It was presented by all of David Letterman’s most-frequent guests. Watch the clip below.

We’ll miss you, Dave.

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Abbie Stutzer

Writer, editor, and owner of Ginchy!, a freelance writing and editing company, and home funeral hub. Adores smart sex ed, sustainable ag, spooky history, women's health, feminism, horror, wine, and sci-fi.