Wear This, Not That: Etrican vs Urban Outfitters

Fashioning Change’s Wear This, Not Thats are interactive and fun to navigate. If you hover over the different product images, more details on the story behind the brand will be uncovered.

[iframe http://fashioningchange.com/embed/looks/summer-stripes?h=white&scale=4&version=3&u=283&aff=eco 450 783]

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Eco Fashion | powered by Fashioning Change


In addition, when hovering above one of the featured fashionable items, you will see a little sewing machine next to the “about” link. That will take you to Fashioning Change’s lifecycle function for that brand – a super cool tool that reveals the transparent supply chain and tells you more of the inspiring tales behind that rockin’ brand. And of course, if you’re into the look, you can click the “buy” button and head straight on over to Fashioning Change.