When the weather is hot and sultry, what’s better than a cucumber? They’re refreshing, crunchy, cooling and in season now. (If only the weather were hot and sultry in the San Francisco Bay Area, but that’s another story.)
There are so many different varieties available these days in farmers’ markets. From Armenian to lemon cucumbers, you could try a different one every day of the week in salads, soups, pickles, and more. Here’s a rundown of recipes from around the web that celebrate cucumbers!
From Shockingly Delicious we’ve got a simple and super classic cucumber salad that sounds, well, shockingly delicious.
Over at The Kitchn they’re using up their abundant cucumber harvest by making cucumber juice. I see some vodka in there somewhere.
And Cooking with Amy offers up a gorgeous, smooth green soup with avocados and cucumbers.
Image: Swanksalot