Here in Northern California we’re quickly sliding into the rainy season. I can tell this as much from the “what, that was summer?” look on people’s faces as much as I can from the weather itself. So here comes the rain again and in the name of keeping our chins up, we give you Clean Rain – or, a good way to make use of the wet stuff beyond an excellent reason to bitch and moan.
Clean Rain is a rainwater harvesting system that that hooks up to your gutters. It uses simple technology to filter out junk, including a “Smart Sense First Flush” water diverter that keeps contaminants contained in the first runoff of water from the roof (dirt, dust, and ew stuff like bird droppings and dead/not-dead insects) from making your water-storage cut. After that first round, the device’s stainless steel mesh screening prevents mosquitoes, bugs and vermin from getting through. (‘Cause who wants vermin in their water?) The device can be installed with a hacksaw and a drill and fits all common downpipes. You can even paint the thing to match your house’s color scheme. Oh, and its materials are all recyclable.
Clean Rain is made by Aussie-based Rain Harvesting, so we gringos have to work our own metric conversions on the following Clean Rain spec: For every 1mm of rainfall per square meter of roof, you can collect 1 liter or rain.
What can you do with a bunch of clean rainwater? Aside from watering gardens (which dig rainwater best) or put into a pond (this is water), says EnviroGadget, “due to its cleanness it can also be used in a pool, or set to be stored in a large water storage tank for use in toilets or such devices.” (That said, I do wonder how clean my toilet water really needs to be.)