Did you know that women hold 39% of leadership positions in the sustainability sector?
Compare that statistic with research that shows women holding only 8% of general management positions in the United States and we’ve got plenty of reason to be excited about this constantly growing industry, not only because it’s providing sustainable solutions for our future, but because women are nearly equal players in terms of representation.
Ecomagination is celebrating some of the women of the clean tech industry by highlighting their efforts. From biofuels to efficiently storing energy, these women are leading the way for the industry as a whole.
But what is it like to be a female in this sector? What does it take to run a successful operation in the clean tech industry? As part of the series by Ecomagination, Solar Sister founder Katherine Lucey will answer community submitted questions on video next week.
Lucey does some inspiring work, empowering women in “remote African villages to become entrepreneurs, selling solar lamps to light the homes of their friends and families using their most plentiful natural resource: the sun.”
To make sure we get your questions for Lucey on Twitter, submit them to @ecosalon and @ecomagination and use the hashtag #ctwomen. You can also leave your question in the comments below by Thursday, October 27, 2011 and we’ll be sure to get it submitted.