Sure, you can have outdoor sex all year long. But there’s something about steamy, summer days and nights that make outdoor sex even better.
Now, you may be wondering, “why are you trying to get us to have outdoor sex? Indoor sex is fine and dandy.” Yes, that’s true. Generally, sex anywhere is great! But incorporating a little outdoor sexual play can make sex more enjoyable for women.
“Outdoor sexual play pushes buttons that women need to become aroused and feel lust,” Marlene Wasserman, clinical sexologist DHS, says. “There’s surprise and unpredictability, it’s a step outside your ‘responsible’ sexuality, and it can be empowering.”
If you’re ready to embrace the concept of outdoor sex, here are some tips to enhance your wild romp.
1. Plan ahead
If you’re not in a monogamous relationship, make sure you bring plenty of condoms—male and female. And if you’re with your partner, don’t forget whatever type of protection you typically use if you’re trying to prevent pregnancy—nothing can kill a sexy mood like having to stop because you forgot protection.
Pack breath mints, organic wet wipes, a towel, bug spray, sunscreen, lube, and a change of clothing for after. Style Caster suggests keeping your “sex bag” in your purse or car so you can be prepared to get down and dirty whenever.
2. Pick a good location
You probably don’t want to have sex in an alley, so make a list of places you’d like to get frisky. If you want to be extra careful—you never know if a school, daycare, etc. is nearby—make a list of places you’d like to visit before you go on a sexy excursion. Also, try to pick a pretty place that isn’t totally covered with mosquitoes, snakes, or other creepy critters.
3. Don’t go too crazy
Screamers, we love you, but you may have to keep it down if you decide to do the deed outside. If that thought bums you out, pack a pillow or a gag to help stifle your vocal joy. Also: be respectful of your surroundings. Basically, don’t leave your used condoms on the ground, and make sure you leave your sex place better than you found it.
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Image of couple outside via Shutterstock