Seizing the moment just might be key to your successful health and happiness. I’m done putting my life into catego…
The Grand Pep Talk: Decide to Rise (Refer to This When in Doubt, or Sick & Tired)
We know you can, we know you can… I’m all for mental health days. And gentleness. And I think the world shou…
Tattoos: Go Sacred Or Go Home. 8 Things You Better Keep In Mind
Do not get a tattoo. Just don’t do it. Nine times out of 10, it’s a regrettable act of stupidity, or vanity. Or both. Re…
Before You Bust A Move, Pick Up Your Psychic Telephone
How to use your psychic powers on mice and men. I was working for an organization in New Mexico. Our office was an old c…
You Can Change: A Sweeping Affirmation
Danielle LaPorte of White Hot Truth inspires us to do everything we set our minds to. Seemingly impossible; they can, bu…
The Manifesto Of Encouragement
People, right now, all over the world, are doing something to instill change. Right now: There are Tibetan Buddhist monk…
Rolling Around In Insane Potential: It’s Bright Faith, Baby
The Buddhists have a name for a particular level of faith: bright faith. This is not the bedrock kind of faith that grou…
Bad Behavior? Don’t Make Excuses
A friend of mine – a therapist in a halfway house – once described a harrowing incident where a burly Hell…