Be prepared for anything. I was in the ladies room when I ran into a good-friend-of-a-good-friend. We were thrilled to s…
Danielle LaPorte: The Initiated Woman
The initiated woman, defined. The initiated woman has bled. She’s bled from poor decisions that sliced her esteem wide…
Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Drop the Big Bucks
Does money give you pleasure? Some people will drive a mile out of their way to save a buck. Some of us have it delivere…
In Praise of Women
Are other women really our problem? Michelle at Wicked Whimsy inspired me to go a bit deeper with a comment that I made …
What Do You Suck At?
To live a more conscious life, find out what you’re not so good at. When you cop to your shortcomings a number of …
Your Friend, Anxiety
Looking for the root of our anxiety requires a drilling down into the heart of the matter. Tummy trembles. Brain fuzz. T…
Reframing ‘Obligations’ Into Empowered Choices
Stop feeling obligated. Feeding your cat, your dog, your kids, or any living creature who depends on you for food. Showi…
How Do You Say What You Do? (Give Your Self Credit)
Get better at learning how to toot your own horn. I did some business and marketing strategy with a woman who introduced…