Ecosalon Recipes: 175+ Foods, Recipes & Tips: Your Guide to Better Meals, Bigger Brains, Hotter Sex, a Lighter Footprint & Less Stress!


With hundreds of wellness articles at EcoSalon, where’s an eco gal to start? Right here. You’ll find everything you need to eat well and be well while going green. (Psst…the sex part is at the end.)

PhotobucketRecipes and Tips


10 Last-Minute Green Appetizers

Have surprise company dropping in? Whip up these eco appetizers in minutes with what you have on hand. Plenty of vegetarian options.

6 Last Minute Healthy Snacks and Eco Hors d’oeuvres

Eco appetizers are so popular, and no wonder: you can make them and munch them, tapas style, any time. They’re not just for parties. These recipes are vegetarian-approved.

7 Easy Salad Recipes for the Hopeless Cook, Part 1

There’s nothing greener (literally) or healthier than a salad. Salads are inexpensive, great for your body, helpful in weight loss, and ideal for lightening your eco footprint. Here are some fast, delicious recipes you’ll never tire of.

12 Easy Salad Recipes for the Hopeless Cook, Part 2

Even more great recipes for lightening your footprint (ecologically speaking, of course).

8 Things to Do with Dates (the fruit, not the men)

Dates are overlooked, but they ought to be part of your pantry – and your entertaining strategy. Or snacking strategy. Actually, these date recipes will fit right in with nearly any eating strategy.

8 Ways to Strange Your Smoothie

Who wants a boring banana shake with whey? We test-drove some fun flavors, unusual spices and wacky combinations to find the tastiest ways to “strange” your smoothie. The result? Delicious, healthy smoothie recipes.

PhotobucketVegetarian Must Reads


6 Essentials to Build Your Blood on a Vegetarian Diet

If you’re concerned about anemia or overall health on a vegetarian or vegan diet, look no further than this helpful guide to 6 essential foods for vegetarians and vegans.

5 Vegetarian Foods That Build Muscle

It’s a myth that you need to eat a lot of meat to stay toned and strong. This guide to nutritious, muscle-building 5 vegetarian foods is a must-read whether you’re veg or not! (And you’ll be surprised at the last one.)

7 Delicious Meat Alternatives (and not a lick of tofu!)

When you think vegetarian protein, do you think of bland, slimy tofu? You’re missing out. There are many delicious, high-protein meat alternatives that are unprocessed, easy on the planet, and great for you.

PhotobucketDining Out Green


25 Best Green Restaurants in the United States

Wondering where to eat green across the U.S.? Here is a guide to the best 25 green restaurants across the country. Highly recommended! Be sure to add your favorite green restaurant to the list.

7 Signs of a Green Restaurant

If a restaurant you enjoy isn’t on the above list, it may very well be green. Here are 7 factors that show you how to determine if a restaurant is green or not.

8 Tips for Greener, Healthier International Cuisine

There’s nothing like a spicy curry or a fresh plate of steaming pad Thai. Learn how to green your international food favorites, and make healthy choices, too.

PhotobucketEating Better for a Better Planet


Eat Lower on the Food Chain

It’s easy to eat lower on the food chain with these simple tips from the 5 Day Challenge. Get started now and enjoy better meals this week with these stress-free ideas.

An Easy Foundation for Greening Your Diet

Start with a salad, and get creative. We show you how to make a salad a whole meal in 7 steps – without getting bored or feeling starved two hours later. You’ll lose weight, lighten your footprint and feel great.

Eco TV Host Sara Snow’s Top 10 Organic Picks

Green expert and television personality Sara Snow shares her recommendations for going green at the grocery store. Learn which foods are most essential to buy organic.

PhotobucketHealthiest Foods to Buy and Try Now


The Top 20 Organic Brain Boosters

There are plenty of incredibly potent vegetables, fruits, herbs and organic meats to include in your brain-boosting toolbox. This is the best that research has to offer for staying sharp, improving your memory, and maintaining brain health.

Step Away from the Candy! Healthy Choices Your Body Will Crave

These healthy alternatives to candy cravings you get at 3 p.m. every day are sure to please – and prevent that subsequent late afternoon crash.

Best Natural Aphrodisiacs to Supercharge Your Sex Drive

Did someone say orgasmic organics? Charge your sex drive with these amazing organic aphrodisiac foods. (Do you even know what a maca is? Do you want to know? Trust us, you do.) Side benefit: these foods improve health and reduce stress.

PhotobucketP.S. I recommend bookmarking this post on your favorite social network for easy future reference.

Images: thebittenword, mela sogono, Lachlan Hardy, Derek Purdy, Llima

Montage images: Phil Romans, gliving Green Chefs, Ruth L, Ahmed