Ergonomics for Dogs? Try Elevating Mealtime


Have you ever watched a dog eating and wondered if she was uncomfortable craning her neck to get every last bit of kibble? “Ah, but she’s just a dog,” you might say. “Surely, dogs can handle eating from the floor!” But when I stumbled across These Creatures‘ amazing Designer Hanging Feeders, I had to wonder if my dog deserved a new dining nook.

And yes, dogs are dogs, but some pet experts say that elevated bowls help canines reduce strain to their neck and back muscles and joints. Young nothing-can-stop-’em pups may not need to be pampered with a special ergonomic feeder. Older dogs that struggle with painful arthritis, or bigger dogs that really have to stretch their neck to reach the floor may have a stronger case for beggin’ for a fancy new bowl.

elevated dog bowl, These Creatures pit bull bowl

Either way, These Creatures get our vote for an ergonomic elevated feeder. These beautiful made-in-the-USA feeders aren’t propped up on posts or a platform. Instead they hang on the wall. This means that if you don’t mind hanging and re-hanging the bowl a couple of times, you can change the height depending on your dog’s growth, or to accommodate any new furry friends that may join your family in the future. No need to toss the bowl just because it’s not properly sized for your pooch anymore!

The contraptions are made from 12-gauge steel and come with removable stainless steel bowls. You can choose from five different color choices and 46 different breeds from a basenji to a Yorkie, including the French bulldog and pit bull designs shown above. If you don’t see your favorite breed or a doppelgänger for your mutt, stay tuned. These Creatures are currently working on a list of more than 10 additions to its collection.