Wherein we ask our favorite design bloggers, curators and forecasters what inspires them.
We are very pleased that Jaime Derringer of Design-Milk is kicking off our inaugural week in our 5 Questions Series. Design-Milk is a blog and magazine that provides constant inspiration and direction on what’s happening in contemporary art, furniture, architecture, interior design, style, technology, and home accessories.
Jaime decided to answer all five of our questions, earning her an official spot in the EcoSalon Favorite Interviewee’s Of All Time Hall of Fame.
What’s on your coffee table?
Books. I don’t have a library of books, so the only books I own are coffee table books that have been sent to me. Right now I have the Knoll book, Barber Osgerby, and Design in One Hundred Objects. Also, a pair of small antlers I picked up at a flea market.
What object are you currently lusting after and what would you do with it?
I lust over something new every day. However, my current obsession is fabric for my family room ottoman, which is a hideous beige. I’m considering Schumacher Scallop fabric, but if I don’t use it for the ottoman, I have got to find a place for it.
What’s your favorite object and how did you find it?
I don’t have a favorite object because I have so many. However, one of my little treasures is this “It’s OK” sculpture by Multi-Polar Projects (Matthew Hoffman).
Every time I look at it I remember that everything is gonna be OK. And that everything is OK.
The story behind the sculpture is that he is carving one million of these little OKs. I have #3029.
What’s the story behind your favorite photograph, and how did you choose to frame it?
My favorite photographs probably remain unframed sitting on my hard drive. However, one of my favorite photographs that I actually have framed is a photo taken by my mother of Ocean City beach in New Jersey, where my family has had a house since I was little. The remarkable thing about this photo is that it’s actually a color photograph, but captured on an overcast day gives the appearance of it being black and white. The poor frame has been banged up in our many moves and deserves a nicer home.
What is the most awkward, wayward object in your home?
This is the weirdest thing I own. It was a gift, and I love it. But it scares my friends’ kids. It’s a momma giraffe and her baby. I have no idea about its origin, what it’s made of or who made it but it’s a conversation starter.
The 5 Questions Series is an ongoing project wherein we peek inside the workspaces and living spaces of our favorite design bloggers, curators and trendsetters.