Foodspotting Friday: Sugar Can Kill You

National Candy Day is a good reminder that there is such a thing as too much sugar.

Turns out that today is National Candy Day. No joke.

So in honor of this truly special occasion – well, special until Sunday rolls around and it’s National Nachos Day – we’re featuring anything that’s candy related. Because who doesn’t love a little cotton candy foie gras? That and more in today’s Foodspotting Friday. Can someone get me a bowl of organic, locally grown broccoli please?

Cotton Candy Foie Gras

Candy Bar Pie

Yogurt Covered Pop Rocks

Octopus Jelly Candy


Strawberry Nerds Mojito

Candy Bar Waffles

Chocolate Covered Green Apple Candy Corn

Savory Bacon Mints

Cheesecake Lollipop Tree with Bubble Gum Whipped Cream

In Foodspotting Friday we highlight one of Foodspotting’s – or our own – top picks from our Foodspotting guides. Be sure to check them out and tip us off to your own favorites in our Readers’ Picks guide. Want to start spotting food on your own? Join Foodspotting and take part in the food spotting revolution. It’s visual, it’s positive, it’s global and we are in love with it.

Images: ZanyLibra, Sara, Stacy, karamat, Amy Cao, Carlos Sanz Ramirez, Sarah, Jamie, Charles, Keith Kendall, Heath W.

Anna Brones

Anna Brones is a food + travel writer with a love for coffee and bikes. She is the author of The Culinary Cyclist and Fika: The Art of the Swedish Coffee Break. Catch her weekly column, Foodie Underground.