A round-up of what we’re reading right now.
In the mood for better sex dreams? Change your sleeping position. [Via Women’s Health]
Want to impress at your next dinner party? Build your own picnic table to sit at. [Via Curbly]
The Brooklyn food scene is hot, and what better way to explore it than with a full guide from an expert. [Via Big Girls Small Kitchen]
To say that the Dalai Lama is a wise man would be an understatement. But he also gets social media. 10 gems from his Twitter feed. [Via Ecorazzi]
Cut expenses and toxic chemicals by making your own detergent; it’s easier than you might think. [Via Organic Authority]
An invisible bike helmet? Yes, you read that correctly. [Via MNN]
Hey Todd Akin: a woman is more than twice as likely to get pregnant during a rape than during consensual sex. [Via Popular Science]
If you have a thing for living walls, you’ll love Reykjavik’s City Hall. [Via Treehugger]
Just what do you need to know about Paul Ryan? His take on tax cuts, reductions in social programs and much much more. [Via LearnVest]
Got your eye on late summer glamping? Here are some tips from a pro. [Via CasaSugar]
Image: Jenny Kristina Nilsson