Simple Ways to be Present and Thankful This Thanksgiving

Remember to present and thankful this season.

Avoid the stress of the holidays, and enjoy yourself, by being present and thankful.

Let’s face it, the whirlwind of Thanksgiving and the winter holiday season can be a stressful time of year. Between trying to pull off a seamless Thanksgiving dinner that accommodates everyone’s food allergies and preferences, to shopping for holiday gifts and making homemade treats for everyone on your list, the time between Halloween and New Year’s just flies by–and often without us taking the time to smell the fir trees.

Get off the Christmas cookie  treadmill this year and take the time to enjoy your holidays by being more present and appreciating all that you have for which to be thankful. I know it seems like idealistic, but it is simple to slow down and make each moment of this joyous season count.

Need some inspiration? Of course, you do. We all need some inspiration to unwind, de-stress, be present in the moment, and grateful for the good in our lives. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind, so take a look at our suggestions for being present and thankful this season.

How to Be Present and Thankful This Thanksgiving

  1. Share Your Daily Gratitude – Some folks make a point of sharing one thing they are grateful for every day on social media. It’s a great exercise for pushing out the negative in our lives and helping to focus on all the positive.
  2. Giving Thanks at the Thanksgiving Table – The Thanksgiving table is an obvious place to share your thanks. Take turns sharing things about which you are thankful while eating the Thanksgiving meal. It’s also a great way to avoid those awkward politically charged discussions at the table!
  3. Mother Nature Mindfulness – Getting out in nature is a wonderful and proven way to get yourself to be present and mindful. Whether it is a walk in the woods, along the waterside, or just a bike ride down to the local park, nature has a way of helping to bring perspective into our daily lives.
  4. Journal Your Thanks – If you aren’t into sharing what you are thankful publicly on social media, jot down your daily affirmation in a journal instead. You don’t have to share it with the world to make it meaningful.
  5. Avoid the “Perfection” Trap of Social Media – Remember that most of those seemingly perfect pies, tablescapes, and recipes you see on Pinterest and Instagram are carefully curated. Don’t beat yourself up when your pie doesn’t turn out just like the picture. It’s not the destination, but the journey that counts.
  6. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – Sometimes, this seems to be easier said than done, but remember to keep perspective. If the gravy doesn’t turn out, have a laugh about it and move on. Spending time with your family should be the focus.
  7. Schedule Time for Yourself – Don’t forget to schedule some time for yourself this season. Whether it’s a hot bath, a long run, or a good book and some tea, remember to give yourself quiet time. You can’t appreciate the good in your life if you are always on the go.
  8. Give Back – This time of year is busy, but do make some time to give back by volunteering at the local food bank, being a mentor, or for supporting another good cause. Sometimes taking care of yourself means taking care of others.
  9. Get Outside Your Comfort Zone – It’s easy to get in a rut with your daily routine and feel like you are just going through the motions. Be more present by trying something new to shake you out of your rut. Take a class, volunteer, take up yoga, learn a new language, but do something outside your normal routine.

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Image: Thanksgiving Dinner via Shutterstock

Jen Wallace

Jen Wallace shares her indie life by writing about making, creating, cooking, learning, playing, decorating, and pretty much anything else that strikes her fancy from indie biz tips to the modern history of the American hemline.