Multiple women have accused Bill Cosby of rape — 46 women have come forward in the past five decades. And for all we know, there could be many other women who have decided to remain anonymous. Kudos to New York magazine’s representation of those women, and all other women, who have chosen to remain silent about their rapes. Thanks to these women, the world now sees that Cosby is a definite creep.
Since all of these rape victims have recently been somewhat vindicated (thanks to the documents that were released in a 2005 civil lawsuit), all of Cosby’s work has become un-watchable and mockable. We didn’t want to miss out on the finger-pointing fun, so we’ve rounded up a few Cosby sweaters and sweatshirts that he would have worn in jest, but now that we know what we know about the comedian, are just plain creepy.
The Sex Joke Turned Visual Assault
We are well aware that the negative connotations of this sweater are pretty obvious, but we had to include it. What once could have been laughed off as a silly but sexy Bill Huxtable sweater meant for Clair at a Christmas party is now a sweater that could cause bystanders at that party to gag.
The “I’m With the Times” Joke Turned Twitter Disaster
We all know that Twitter conversations with celebrities can go badly very quickly. So, if we saw Cosby wearing this in an attempt to be hip, we’d laugh and start a hashtag campaign to the tune of #WhyWeHateCosby, and we’d have fun counting all the ways.
“I Can Make a Drink” Shirt Turned “I Know How to Drug” Shirt
Cosby has a history of drugging drinks, so we’d rather never see him touch another glass, or insinuate that he knows how to make a drink, ever again.
The “Pastime Sweater” Turned “I Love Drugging” Sweater
Cosby has admitted to drugging women to sleep with them. So, if he wore this shirt, it would basically be confirming what we already know — that he like sleep so much that he uses drugs to get women into that “no consent” state.
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Image: tedeytan