Don’t pass the persimmon at your local grocery store or farmers market. This persimmon chips recipe is calling your name…
Nutritional Breakdown: Revamping Doritos
All that flavor…all that fat. Cool Ranch Doritos remind me of those days I’d peer into the bag, desperate to find …
Extreme Makeover: Revamping the Traditional 4th of July BBQ
Easy to make recipes for a 4th of July bbq revamp. Nothing captures the 4th of July quite like images of outdoor eating …
Recipe: A Dose of Vegetables with Sweet Potato Chips
Bag the greasy chips and try out this low-sodium, healthy alternative. Oh, the deliciously clever ways we have found to …
To Chip or Not to Chip?
A couple weeks ago, my dog Lucas dashed out of my backyard. He thought it was the best game ever: He’d sprint towa…