With a few simple upcycling projects, you can take those old coffee grounds and expired coffee beans and turn them into …
Coffee Beans
This is Why You Should Buy Whole Coffee Beans: Foodie Underground
Are you buying whole coffee beans, or a bunch of filler? Let’s have a chat about coffee. Coffee is one of those pr…
Coffee Rust Means Coffee Beans are Screwed, Thanks Climate Change
Coffee beans are having a rough go in Central America, on account of a fungus called “Coffee Rust” that̵…
How to Tip Your Favorite Coffee Bean Farmer – That’s Right, The Farmer
We love our coffee. And we may think nothing of tipping the hardworking barista at the local café for slinging a fancy c…
Use Coffee Beans for Natural Insect Removal
Scientists in Brazil are finding that un-roasted coffee beans, which contain large amounts of globulins proteins, work w…