Mondays are bad. And you could argue that they are just as bad as stepping in dog poop. The video below shows a poor kid…
Lamb Acts Like a Dog, Makes the World Fall in Love with Her [Video]
OMG, you guys! This lamb acting like a puppy is just about the most totes-adorbs thing you’ll ever see. Seriously.…
Doggy Dos and Don’ts: 5 Ways to Be a Green Pet Owner
Fluffy and Rover don’t know much about climate change, so it’s up to you to take the lead and be a green pet…
Lustables: Poopy Packs
If you’re going to scoop the poop, you might as well do it with style. The nice thing about babies is that your poop col…
Why Buying a Pet from a Pet Store Isn’t a Good Choice
When my husband and I were about to move to our new place, I told him I’d like to get a cat, so we planned to adop…
7 Reasons Not to Diss a Career In Dog Walking
More alpha men and women seem to be answering the call of the wild, signing on as leader of the pack for several hours e…
How to Boost Your Dog’s IQ
If you’ve ever arrived home to discover that Fluffy took a bite out of your sofa cushions or Fido shredded the mor…
Does Your Dog Need a Multivitamin?
Vitamins and supplements are rising in popularity among health-conscious dog owners, due in large part to concerns about…