According to a recent United Nations report, China has become the e-waste dumping ground of the world. It’s second only …
The Wasted Years: ‘Fixable’ E-Waste Issue Continues to Be a Global Problem
Our appetite for electronics is creating a worldwide problem of excessive e-waste. A recent NPR interview with Derek Mar…
Beyond Earth Day: 3 Easy Tech and Transport Ideas for Maximum Impact All Year
We loved this post over at Planet Green about getting the most mileage out of your gadgets. Aside from the obvious (biki…
Eco Shiny! 7 New Green Cell Phones, Apps & Gadgets
Back when car phones were suitcase-sized and small portable telephones seemed impossibly futuristic, cell phones were fa…
EcoMeme: Media Missing the Green Point at CES 2010
The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is a gadget geek’s dream date and the source of many tech news “l…
EcoMeme: 2009 Study Finds U.S. Consumers Prefer Greener Gadgets
A newsletter from the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) this December predicted that 80% of shoppers would purchase…