Coming soon to a town near you. Record droughts sear the Midwest, while the Atlantic seaboard prepares for the onslaugh…
Plastic Surgery: Where Will Japan’s Tsunami Garbage Go?
SeriesEnvironmental cleanup in the wake of Japan’s twin disasters. Part 4 in a special series. A surreal and compe…
The Friday Five: Vol. 5
A weekly roundup of EcoSalon’s top stories. Places & Spaces: Canvas Hotel is a visual vacation, never mind a cyclist…
The Nuclear Option
With Japan at risk, the nuclear energy debate returns. Japan’s nuclear power plants were supposed to be safe. Theo…
Sexual Violence Escalates in Post-Earthquake Haiti
We’re all familiar with the human and environmental tolls that immediately follow natural disasters. But thereR…
Can Human Moral Failings Cause Natural Disasters?
In the Book of Genesis, God punishes wicked humans by creating a flood to destroy the earth, leaving Noah to salvage bio…
Eco Retailer to Donate Up to $10,000 to Haiti Artisans
In his State of the Union address, President Obama praised the millions of Americans who are helping strangers in Haiti …