In yet another sign that consumers seeking ethical and sustainable fashion choices are indeed influencing brands to beco…
Can an Ethical Fur Industry Ever Exist, Even with this Fur Source?
Not only is wearing fur the cruelest fashion choice on the planet, it’s not a very environmentally friendly one either. …
Fur Real: Morrissey Calls Canadian Baby Seal Hunt ‘Fashionably Dead’
British rocker and outspoken animal activist Morrissey criticized Canadian Fisheries Minister Gail Shea for not calling …
Thanks, Joe: Fur Sales Rise After Football Legend Wears Fur to the Super Bowl
Just when you thought fur coats were finally going out of fashion forever… All it took was a brief coin toss on sc…
Fiber Watch: Is Faux Fur Really More Eco-Friendly Than the Real Deal?
A study from CE Delft, a non-profit environmental consultancy, shows that animal fur is far worse for the environment th…
Vegan Fashion 101: Fur Is So Not Vegan (Take Note, Beyoncé)
Finally, veganism is being talked about in the mainstream. But it’s more than just a diet. When is vegan fashion g…
Animal Cruelty Goes Out of Style: West Hollywood Bans the Sale of Fur
Each year the fur industry kills more than 50 million animals in the name of fashion. Now, for the first time in America…
Top 11 Hottest Topics of 2010 from EcoSalon
If you are well acquainted with EcoSalon, you know we don’t shy away from controversial issues. In fact, we welcom…