To makeup color match, you have to take into consideration your features, regardless of what shades or colors you…
Announcing the Winners of the 2013 Ecosalon Beauty Awards!
The team at Ecosalon is excited to announce the following winners in each of the 14 categories in the first ever Ecosalo…
Kiss Me Lead: Leading Lipstick Brands Contain High Levels of Lead
Beauty can come at a cost, but toxic lead in lipstick may be taking it too far. According to a study conducted by UC Ber…
7 Beauty Ingredients To Avoid
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we give you seven ingredients to self-police out of your life year-round. We’…
6 Classic Lip Colors To Channel Your Favorite Female Icon
6 iconic lipstick colors, now with a touch of green. Meet Nancy Wake, the “White Mouse” of World War II. Described as “o…
High Definition: Red Lips For All
ColumnRed is a commitment color for lips and a strong fashion accessory. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard, “I…
High Definition: Beach Bombshell
ColumnWant to have an iconic summer look beachside? Follow these tips. Sun-bleached blondes with beach tousled hair, smo…
3 Brilliant Lipstick and Eye Makeup Combos
Tips for nailing your makeup like a pro. Let’s be blunt. Sometimes applying makeup can be an utter pain in the ass. Why?…