I heart this mirror from Grain, but my budget can afford only DIY decor right now. Someday… I hope to hang one of …
12 Ways to Fake a Bigger Room
“Does this mirror make my bedroom look fat?” asked the house to the looking glass. There are those of us who like our sp…
O Mirror, Where Art Thou?
I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions. – Sylvia Plath Decorating with mirrors is an old hat trick used t…
Forecast Sunshine
As the long days of summer filter light through your windows, take the opportunity to amplify the golden rays through yo…
DIY Decorative Mirrors and Glass
Know how to make your own milk paint? Well, you can refresh more than just your walls with this non-toxic blend. Instead…
Mirror Mirror on the Wall: Which Is the Greenest of Them All?
We’ve all had those days when looking in the mirror results in a dissatisfied sigh. We chalk it up to a bad hair d…