Why is there so much poop on Mt. Everest? As far as exploring goes, Mt. Everest isn’t a treasure trove of earthly discov…
Link Love: Rihanna’s too Sexy + Style Secrets of the French + How to Buy Good, Cheap Wine
This week’s Link Love it’s World Environment Day and Nepal is setting the treehugging record. Cheap wine can…
Win $200 Worth of Fab Yoga Apparel from Synergy Clothing
One lucky EcoSalon reader will win $200 worth of Synergy clothing—fashion forward clothing and yoga apparel for women. W…
Edge of Ember’s Jewelry Ethically Made From Bombshells and Buffalo Horns
Edgy jewelry made by local artisans in five countries, using materials like naturally discarded buffalo horn and reclaim…
40 Gorgeous Photos of Asia
If these photos don’t make you wanna quit your job and travel the world, we don’t know what will. Asia’s diversity…