Recently, a friend and I were sitting around discussing how our periods are like prison time. I have an IUD that causes …
Can You Practice Yoga Poses on Your Period?
It’s still awkward to sit one out when you’re on your period. For one, everyone knows something about you that you would…
HelloFlo: The Best Tampon Commercial Ever
HelloFlo unleashes the best tampon commercial in the world. Everything is right about this commercial from HelloFlo, the…
Green Birth Control: Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t
Contemplating the idea of birth control and doing better for planet but, at what cost? Last year I decide to “green” my …
7 Tips to Soothe Menstrual Cramps
“Only women bleed,” crones a 1970s ballad by Alice Cooper. To which we should say, “Yes. Yes we do.” Call it Aunt Flo, t…