Keep up with the latest news by listening to these political podcasts. We’re all super busy, but now more than ever it i…
How to Teach Someone About Privilege (Step 1: Don’t Say ‘Privilege’)
Privilege can be one of the most difficult, complicated subjects to talk about these days. I’ll be the first to admit th…
4 Lessons in Activism from an Apprehensive Activist (And a Difficult Call to Action)
Chances are, if you are reading this, you are, like me, a white, well-educated woman. I identify the majority of my read…
We Get Our Sh*t Done With Lots of ‘Nasty Woman’ Loot, ‘Cause that’s How We Roll
Retailers have turned Donald Trump’s “nasty woman” comment into tangible pieces of merchandise that hold a surprisingly …
American Women Owe You Nothing: #NowWhat
If you’ve met more than a handful of American women in your life, then you know all women are unique. So, why haven’t fa…
Political Chocolate Bars Make Politics a Bit Sweeter [Video]
Politics don’t have to be ugly—in fact, if you add a little chocolate, some nuts, and dried fruit, political topics can …
SNL Nails Bigoted American Bakers [Video]
If American politicians keep doing boneheaded things, SNL will have an amazing season next year, too. This past weekend,…
Food Marketing: Are Food Ads The New Political Ads? Foodie Underground
We’re in the middle of the food wars, and food marketers have a new way to fight: making their ads look more like …