It’s the year of the woman and you’d better be signed up to vote for her. It’s been quite a roller-coaster r…
Link Love: How to Turn a Mason Jar Into a To-Go Cup, Kuwaiti Minimalism and Movies for Republicans Who Don’t Understand Rape
A round-up of what we’re reading right now. Because you should never be without a to-go cup: now you can make your own …
The 10 Dinner Parties You Should Throw Before Summer is Over
10 dinner parties to make you rethink eating as a group. You may think dinner parties are things that only happened in e…
Republicans Huge Into Sexual Role-Playing
Hey ladies look! This is really just a fun game! Listen, you would hardly consider blaming modern-day Civil War reenacto…
Fourteen Pieces of July 4th Trivia
14 facts to share at your 4th of July bbq. As our nation celebrates its 236th birthday with fireworks, watermelon, jello…
5 Classy Marketing Tips for Reaching Unruly Consumers
The fleecing of America begins with savvy marketing. “Artisan” potato chips are in danger of going the way o…
The Divided States of America
American culture circa 2011: Land of the partisans, home of the tribes. We are a nation divided – by religion, by …
Wine, The Partisan Party Crasher
It’s 5 o’clock in D.C. Perhaps our gridlocked politicians could try humanity’s oldest social lubricant…