The Gentle Barn Foundation needs our help to save 60 malnourished cows – many of which are pregnant – from a…
In the Hot Seat: Chris Mann
Guayakà Yerba Mate could be your cup of tea. In 1996, five men fresh out of college believed that they could help to re…
Shear Genius: Free Haircuts for the Unemployed
When you’ve been out of work for a while, grooming is usually one of the first things to go. Also pants with waist…
University Students Design for Good
Projected to launch in Africa mid-summer, the Solar Pebble will quite possibly prove to be a life-changer for rural Afri…
Going, Going…Green!
Christie’s auction house bets big on the environment. Green. It means go. It’s the color of money. And, natu…
Want to Save the Planet? Have Your (Snail) Mail Scanned
Finland’s new mail program hopes to cut costs and decrease pollution. According to the Telegraph, a new system lau…
Cooking Up a New Way to Be Green
You may be a slave to the stove but you can also be a steward of the planet with new earth-friendly cookware developed b…
Nurturing the ‘Home Farming’ Movement
Triscuit and Urban Farming are encouraging the widespread interest in local and homegrown food by helping people start 5…