The good, the bad, and the downright delicious. Food. For some people, it’s a simple necessity. For others, itR…
All Creatures Great and Small: 30 Best Quotes About Animals
EcoSalon’s 30 favorite quotes about animals. Whether you’re an aspiring crazy cat lady or partial to the clu…
So, You Want to Be a Vegetarian: 9 Things to Know
As the ball dropped at midnight, did you resolve that this will be the year you try your hand at the cut back or elimina…
Third Wave Green: A Cold Hard Look at 10 Sacred Cows
The Third Wave Green concept we’ve introduced at EcoSalon means taking a hard look at the environmental movement…
Can You Be an Environmentalist and Still Eat Meat?
This is not a new question or a new debate, but perhaps for the first time, two non-meat eaters took different sides in …
Think Cheese Is More Eco + Humane Than Meat? Think Again
Cheese is my weakness. Camembert and cheddar, stilton and swiss, mozzarella and mascarpone, gouda and goat’s chees…
Oh for PETA’s Sake: 7 (More) Crazy Stunts
Another 12 months, and another string of public absurdities from those tireless People for the Ethical Treatment Of Anim…
Peta’s Fail Whale
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) does not see fit to extend the same moral courtesy to human animals, …