The best of the week at EcoSalon, hand-picked for your clicking pleasure.
Minimalism – “it’s about more than throwing $hit out”, and K. Emily Bond has some 25 delicious examples of the power of a sparsely but beautifully decorated room.
How woolen is modern wool, and what needs to be taken away to make it more authentically wooly? Leena Oijala investigates the modern boom in organic wool farming.
Get 30 people into a room, get them comfortable and let human nature take its course and what do you have? Our latest video update from the {r}evolution apparel’s sustainable trip shows and tells all.
At a loss for something to do but don’t have an extra cash to play with? Check out these fun things to do offline and online.
Finally, you know the phrase “it’s what’s on the inside that matters?” Here’s a radiographer turned fashion designer who has decided to take that literally, with stunning results.