Underwear that Traps Flatulence Odor? Yep! Meet Shreddies

fart-filtering shreddies

When someone’s motto is “fart with confidence”, you know you’re in good company. The latest and greatest in the world of flatulence and incontinence are Shreddies.

The UK-based Shreddies produces an assortment of underwear that are equipped with a carbon-filtering technology that dissipates odor on contact. This is no product to cast off as a gag gift or laughable concept – according to testimonials, Shreddies work!

There is so much taboo surrounding flatulence and incontinence that it’s hard for the everyday average person below a certain age to accept the need for help. Suffering from excessive gas due to indigestion or a high-fiber diet knows no age, and it is a lot more common than you might think. Now, a company has created an approachable, light-weight, stylish product that allows you to comfortably avoid causing an aromatic stir among those around you.

According to the Shreddies site, “odour vapours become trapped and neutralised by the cloth, which is then reactivated by simply washing the garment.” This means you can fart all you want without the social embarrassment. The company also produces incontinence underwear that are lightweight, but allow for your bottom to stay dry and breathe.

I find Shreddies to be a funny (but actually serious) gift to family members, significant others, and friends. They also look just like regular undergarments – nothing like a diaper. Make sure to order you Shreddies at least a month ahead of time due to the large back order the company is currently experience.

Photo Credit: Shreddies

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