If the green movement had its own Santa Claus, would he have a green beard or would she wear a vegan cape? Business News Daily reports that a new survey shows the archetypal green buyer would be a younger female with a post-graduate degree. Further, the least likely green consumer would be a man over the age of 55 years.
According to a survey from Crowd Science’s Just Ask! “men are nearly twice as likely to believe that buying products marketed as green makes no difference.” Sandra Marshall is vice president of research for Crowd Science. As she told Business News Daily, “We’re seeing an interesting gap in what we call ‘green shopitudes’ when you consider gender, age, and education. Women and younger age groups appear to be more eco-centric when it comes to shopping practices.”
That’s great for women, but where does this leave the menfolk? We asked our own Scott Adelson to weigh in. As Scott tells it, “I always was of the notion that too many men see the idea of legacy as an individualistic concept, rather than a communal one. This is by no means always the case, but it seems that women have a better ear for issues like the environment, education, even health care.”
Further, does buying green mean you’re committed to all things eco? Personally, I think anyone who makes an effort to take out the recycling deserves props, but you’re going to find people who think being green means eating vegan. Or driving a Prius. Or supporting environmental initiatives. Or yes, buying green. Sure, it seems silly to be caught up in labels, but when a large percent of the population devotes itself to attacking the science of climate change and more, it’s not the worst thing to pick up a banner and wave it.
And what does this really say about gender issues in the green movement? If I look at my own coterie of friends, I can’t really say that gender plays a significant factor. True, many of my “greener” friends are women. Most are also mothers of young children, contributing heavily to their interest in a toxin-free lifestyle.
But my husband is arguably greener than I am, especially when it comes to debating the contents of the recycling bin. (Me? I tend to follow this guide; he’s a little more adventurous.) I know three or so men whose opinions espouse exactly what is being touting in this study. My friend Dave is convinced that green labeling is just a giant marketing scam. But for every Dave I know a Scott Adelson or a Brian Clark Howard or a Jeffrey Davis.
Then again, my unscientific sampling of friends doesn’t compete with a formal study. Do you agree that women tend to shop greener than men, or are in fact a deeper shade of green?
Image: aerokev