7 Reasons Why Your Healthy Habits Should Include Masturbating

7 Reasons Why Your Healthy Habits Should Include Masturbating

Masturbating is healthy—so why don’t we treat it like the rest of our healthy habits?

There are plenty of healthy habits we work hard to achieve—eating better food, getting more exercise, sleep, and downtime. We talk about them fondly, and often. And even though masturbating is as healthy for your bod as anything else, it doesn’t get as much airplay. On a to-do list, we place it in that microscopic footnote section we pretend isn’t there, like side effects to a medication.

Even though most women masturbate a minimum of once a week, we’re all hush-hush about it like there’s something wrong with us. No, you don’t have to dish on the exact play-by-play, but why get all uncomfortable if it comes up in conversation?

Here are 7 reasons you should (proudly!) enjoy a little menage a moi:

1. It’s a happiness booster

Word is orgasms release endorphins—specifically, dopamine and oxytocin—which can boost your mood and create a natural high.

2. It can improve your self-esteem

Studies have shown young women who masturbate on the regular view their sexuality in a positive light—especially when able to talk openly and honestly about it in a way that emphasizes the normalcy of giving yourself a hand.

3. It can relieve menstrual pain

This is not a drill: Masturbating releases certain hormones that can relieve menstrual pain. It also helps relax the muscles that are causing those icky cramps of yours. Cha. Ching.

4. It eases tension

If it’s been a while or you’ve had a particularly brutal day (or both), it’s a great way to satisfy your libido while relieving stress. Really, it’s multitasking at its finest.

5. It helps you sleep

If you suck at the whole sleep thing, you should for reals consider using masturbation as a sleep aid. Post-orgasm, your blood pressure lowers, your body relaxes and your mind clears—better than any sedative!

6. It improves your sex life

How are you going to have amazing sex with a partner if you have no idea what your likes and dislikes are? (As we already know, guys aren’t exactly mind readers.) If you don’t know how to turn yourself on, your love life’s going to turn into a really bad rom-com trying to find someone who can.

7. Uh, orgasms

What’s not to love about masturbating? As far as healthy habits go, it’s definitely the most fun. You won’t get pregnant. You can’t get an STD. You don’t have to deal with someone else’s needs. You don’t have to snuggle afterward. You can just get to the point and mosey on with your fabulously busy life.

Do you treat masturbating differently than the rest of your healthy habits?

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Woman in bed image via Shutterstock

Krissy Brady

Krissy Brady is a women’s health + lifestyle writer who’s so out of shape, it’s like she has the innards of an 80-year-old. Instead of learning how to crochet, she decided to turn her emotional baggage into a writing career (genius, no?). You can follow her shenanigans on Twitter (you know, if you want).