These women have brought self pleasure to a whole new level.
While we don’t sound off about it as much as the guys, I have to say women are super lucky in the self pleasure department. We can pretty much get busy anytime, anywhere. We don’t have anything to whip out, no mess to clean up, and we have many ways to go about our business without anyone knowing. That’s hot.
There are the more traditional naughty places you might find yourself quietly flicking the bean—movie theatres, planes, bathroom stalls, even your cubicle at work—but when it comes to self pleasure in unconventional places, women across the globe are really bringing their A game.
Here are 32 unconventional places a woman may be getting randy with herself (like, right now):
- In a church pew (Amen!)
- Baskin Robbins
- In the dentist’s chair
- Behind a transport truck
- On top of a car
- In a corn field
- In a porta-potty
- In the boss’s office
- Walking to class (?!?!?!)
- On an escalator (?!?!?!)
- In jail
- On a riding lawn mower
- On a paddle board
- In the doctor’s office
- In traffic
- The Louvre
- A rock-climbing gym
- On a hammock
- In the steam room at the gym
- On a tanning bed
- On top of a piano
- At a skating rink
- In a walk-in freezer
- In a carpet store
- In a library
- In a dressing room
- Piano teacher’s living room
- In class
- At a concert
- In a storage closet
- At a bus stop
- In the middle of a Starbucks
Did any of your self pleasure locales make the cut?
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Image: Secretive woman photo via Shutterstock