A Sustainable Spa Indulgence


I’m the first to admit that I love pampering myself, and a tranquil spa experience is the ultimate indulgence. But each time I go, I can’t help feeling a little guilty about the excessive waste generated by my treatments. Lucky for me, Epi Center Medspa in San Francisco, the nation’s first eco medspa, brings nature and science together in an eco-friendly way.

The facility offers advanced medical-grade skin rejuvenation services and organic skin care in a luxuriously sustainable setting designed to meet the most stringent environmental standards. Choose from organic aluminum oxide-free microdermabrasion facials and natural yogurt peels to light-based Photofacial treatments. The space is LEED-certified, with pressed newspaper ceilings and recycled marble floors. Records are all electronic, cutting down on paper use and the spa uses filtered water instead of bottled.

So, next time I’m itching for a facial (which is right about now), I’ll run to Epi Center and leave the guilt behind.

Image: Badr Naseem