Let’s face it: Shoshanna Shapiro makes life worth living.
From the moment Caroline was carried to the hospital in the season finale of “Girls”, I’ve been foaming at the mouth for new episodes—and there’s no one I miss more than Shoshanna Shapiro, our favorite least virginy virgin.
What’s not to love? From her infamous “Crackcident” to her brutal honesty at the beach house to the fact that she’s now dating Jason Ritter… I mean, Scott… she’s quickly become the show’s unexpected superstar.
As we patiently wait for season 5—while bingeing the crap out of our HBO Go subscriptions—here’s a highlight reel of Shoshanna moments that prove she’s the cheese to our macaroni (plus, she talks so fast we could really use the double-take):
1. “Oh. Em. Effing. Gee.”
2. “I may be deflowered, but I am not devalued.”
3. “I will never be bored as long as there’s Halloween.”
4. “I’m so happy to see you I could murder you.”
5. “I can’t be surrounded by your negativity while I’m trying to grow into a fully formed woman.”
6. “My life is a mess and I know that was a personal choice but maybe it’s time for me to un-choose that choice.”
7. “I’m really tired of being insulted even when it comes before a compliment.”
8. “I’m socializing! I’m sorry if that’s not working for you, my social butterfly-ness.”
9. “Umm we need to find out every possible detail about this rando hussy immediately.”
10. “Oh my god, don’t tell my mom. Don’t even tell me.”
11. “Seriously, that duck tasted like a used condom and I want to forget about it.”
12. “Basically it’s been a very sexually adventurous time for me. I’m alternating nights of freedom with nights of academic focus. So at the end of my senior year, I will have had both experiences while also still being super well prepared for the professional world.”
13. “Everyone’s a dumb whore.”
14. “Umm, it’s butt, dick and pussy.”
What are your favorite Shoshanna Shapiro moments?
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Image: Huffpost Women / YouTube, GIFs: Giphy