Link Love: The Food Porn Index + Carol Alt’s Raw Secret + Why Women Fake Orgasms

food porn

This week’s Link Love we look at porn…food porn, of course, plus why women fake orgasms, celebrity meat and what’s hiding in your cosmetics.

Who doesn’t love looking at porn? Er…Rather, food porn, that is. Millions of Americans apparently love it, and according to the Food Porn Index website, which just launched, most people love unhealthy food porn. [via Eat Drink Better]

Why is supermodel Carol Alt putting the spotlight on raw food and healthy living? [via Well+GoodNYC]

Cosmetics can enhance your natural beauty, but not if they contain these toxic ingredients. [via Ecouterre]

Ladies, ever faked an orgasm? You’re not alone. Like really, really not alone. [via Cosmopolitan]

Celebrity Meat? Do we want to know? Do we need to know? [via Slate]

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