In a state which owns the role as largest agricultural exporter in the country, how its largest city deals with food pol…
California Water Issues Divide Farmers, Fishers, and Urban Dwellers
If you’ve ever seen the movie Chinatown, in which private investigator Jake Gittes (played by Jack Nicholson) stum…
Walmart to Invade Africa
Squeezing community after community, farmer after farmer, and attempting to camouflage and clean up its heavily packaged…
Foodie Underground: Connecting Local Buyers and Sellers with Food Hub
The Pacific Northwest has an obsession with local food; an obsession that started long before eating local became a tren…
Women Lead the Fight for Pesticide Reform in California’s Central Valley
Josefina Miranda showed up to work in a field still wet from pesticides. She was four months pregnant. By the time she f…
Better Health and Greener Living: Mark Bittman on Food Matters
Did you know that global livestock production is responsible for more greenhouse gases than transportation? According to…
From Cheap to Chic, 10 Holiday Gifts That Respect the Earth
Spread the holiday cheer and hold your moral ground with these gifts…
EcoMeme: Gene Flow and GMOs
You gonna eat that? Research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that once planted in…